MPA | The Modflow podcast
Hello everyone! How are you in this beautiful weekend? Good? I hope so. I’ts been a while since we last had a stage event, feels good making one. Anyway, I’m going straight to the point, this announcement won’t take that much time, so let’s begin.
I would like to start by saying that quite a few meta communities have sprung up lately: too many, and all of them fail to create something new that stands out from the rest and I can’t deny that we were at that point.
The fact that multiple meta communities are being created divides the audience into multiple servers instead of focusing on a single space where members and staff can work together to make the community flourish.
Modflow, or as many knew it, DHub was gradually entering the group of duplicated efforts. We may write articles unlike other servers, but that’s not the case. We need something else that makes a big difference between the concept that has been created of a “generic metacommunity” and a unique one, which is why I am making this announcement.
Allow me to introduce you to the Modflow Podcast.
The initial idea of this podcast was that it would only be for moderation, however, community management, and all the aspects that managing or owning a server entails are also important, and will be topics that we will talk about in our project.
At least once or twice during each month we will do AMAs, open discussions with other experienced people and even panel discussions, and these will be on stage channels, or sometimes pre-recorded. These events will be uploaded to a youtube channel that I have created for the server, which you can find in the resources section of the information channel.
I have a few people who are interested in speaking or participating in one of our events, and if you are interested, do not hesitate to contact me. With all this we hope to be able to improve the community, offer even more respurces and tools to our menbers, and that it get the recognition it deserves! The estimated date for the first event will be September 17.
I have nothing more to clarify, let me know if you have any doubts or questions, and I will try to answer them as soon as possible. Thank you for reading!
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