Modflow AMA Event

Written by: DarkFlow#0007

2 min readApr 24, 2022

Hey there! Welcome back, here with another post. This time we will be going through some of the questions that were made to me during the server’s AMA event related to moderation, and community management. Without further ado, let’s begin.

Join Modflow with this link:

Q1: What are your goals and objectives on Discord?

Currently I have 2 goals that I would like to accomplish in the next 2 years: The first one is to enter the DMD (Discord Moderator Discord) or the MMC (Moderator Mentorship Community) in case I’m not 18 by the time I get accepted. The second goal, is that Modflow gets recognized as a great community where people can discuss about moderation, and share proper advice.

Q2: Which moderation bot do you recommend to people?

There are 2 moderation bots which I consider to be the best ones, although one of them is private: Gearbot and Zeppelin. Gearbot contains advanced moderation and auto-mod features for your community, and it is the one that we’re currently using for the server. Zeppelin contains even more advanced features, however, it is private and not available for everyone. If you want to use Zeppelin, you can self-host your own custom instance.

Q3: What inspired you to create Modflow?

Pretty much me wanting to help people. I have a lot of experience as a moderator, admin, and server owner, which is why I created this server where I want to use that knowledge I’ve obtained to help others with their communities and give them moderation advice.

Q4: Any advice for people that started moderating servers?

Be yourself. I also don’t recommend moderating a community because it has “x” members or it’s owned by “x” person. Do it because you like it, because you enjoy being part of that server, and because you want to make a difference.

Q5: How do I grow a community?

Good question. Making a unique community is key to growing a community. Why would someone want to join your server? Why would someone participate in your server rather than in another one?

If you’re going to advertise it, do not rely just on discord. Expand to other social media, such as Reddit, YouTube, or TikTok (for example). This will obviously make your server reach more people, which means that new members will join.

Keep in mind that these questions were answered according to my knowledge and what I’ve been through, which means that this text shouldn’t be treated as “official information”. More questions were made, but I decided to only include these 5 since they were the ones I liked the most. And this is how we conclude this post. Goodbye!




We are a community that seeks to bring together discord moderators to connect, exchange ideas and knowledge about moderation and community management.